Telephone and Webcam Consultations

All Patients who meet the following criteria are eligible to have a Telehealth consultation

  • has been diagnosed with COVID-19 virus but who is not a patient of a hospital; or
  • has been required to isolate themselves in quarantine in accordance with home isolation guidance issued by Australian Health Protection Principal Committee; or
  • considered more susceptible to the COVID-19 virus being:
    • at least 70 years old, or
    • at least 50 years old or over if of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent; or
    • pregnant; or
    • a parent of a child under 12 months; or
    • a person under treatment for chronic health conditions or who are immune compromised; or
  • the person meets the current national triage protocol criteria for suspected COVID-19 infection.

​Our reception team will help you with your Telehealth consultations.

Telehealth Consultations are billed as per face to face consultations.